Is It Normal for a 3 Month Old to Poop After Every Feeding

baby poop

As a new mom, you may be concerned and anxious to see your baby poop every time after feeding them. You may be wondering if it is normal for your baby to poop after every feed or if your baby poops too much.

Just relax because it's normal for babies to poop after every feed. Pooping after every meal is actually a good sign that your baby is getting plenty of milk. To know more about this keep reading.

In This Article

  • Is it Normal for My Baby to Poop After Every Feed?
  • Do Breastfed Babies Poop More?
  • How Many Times a Day do Formula Fed Babies Poop?
  • How Often Does a Baby Poop After Starting Solids?
  • Frequent Pooping and Diaper Rash in Babies
  • When is Frequent Pooping in Babies Not Normal?
  • FAQ's

Is it Normal for My Baby to Poop After Every Feed?

Yes, it is perfectly normal for babies to poop after every feeding session. Some babies poop after every feed and sometimes a little later. In fact, pooping after every feed indicates that your baby is in good health and getting enough milk. The frequency of stools can slow down after 3 to 6 weeks of birth as your baby's stomach grows and they settle into a routine.

But then some babies still continue pooping after every feed for as long as one year. Every baby is different. So, if your baby's bowel movements are fairly consistent and they are their usual cheerful self, there is nothing to be concerned about frequent poops.

Do Breastfed Babies Poop More?

Pooping after every feed is common among breastfed babies. They poop more frequently than formula-fed babies. This is because breast milk contains immunoglobulins. These are substances produced by the body's immune system. They also work as a natural laxative and are very helpful for clearing meconium in the initial days. They also prevent constipation in breastfed babies.

It's quite normal for some babies to have fewer bowel movements after 6 weeks. There may be cases where your baby may be pooping only once a week. But there is nothing to be alarmed about unless their stools are hard or are constipated. Your baby is getting the right balance of foremilk and hindmilk if they produce soft and easy-to-pass stools.

How Many Times a Day do Formula Fed Babies Poop?

mother feeding baby with bottle

Formula-fed babies generally pass fewer stools than breastfed babies. This is for the simple reason that formula can be harder to digest, and, as a result, it takes longer to pass through your baby's system. But there may be instances where formula-fed babies will be pooping after every feed, especially during their early weeks.

How many times a formula-fed baby poops in a day differs from baby to baby and this also changes as your baby grows. For some formula-fed babies, during the first month, three bowel movements are considered normal while for others the frequency can go up to 5 poops a day.

Between 1-2 months, the frequency of bowel movements changes in babies. For some babies, passing stool once every two days is also considered normal. Just keep in mind that as long as the poop has the consistency of peanut butter, there is nothing to worry about.

How Often Does a Baby Poop After Starting Solids?

baby eating solids

Once your baby starts solids around six months, the frequency of his poop will be affected. The frequency, color, and smell of the poop will change once your baby is on solid feed. Your baby may poop, several times in a day or he may go without a bowel movement for several days.

We can attribute this to their immature digestive system. When your baby's system is matured enough to process solid food efficiently, you will notice that the bowel movement of your baby returns to normalcy once again.

Frequent Pooping and Diaper Rash in Babies

Babies who pass frequent stools after every feed are more prone to diaper rash. Use a diaper rash cream in case your baby develops a rash and the area has turned red. Also, try and let your baby go without a diaper for a little time each day so that their bottom dries fully. All this will help the diaper rash to get better, but if nothing works, do consult your baby's doctor.

When is Frequent Pooping in Babies Not Normal?

As we mentioned earlier that if your baby's poops are soft and easy to pass, there is nothing to worry even if your baby is pooping after every feed. However, frequent pooping can also be a sign of diarrhea. Your baby may have diarrhea if:

  • His poops are runny or liquid in consistency.
  • Your baby is pooping more often than usual and passing large amounts of stool.
  • Their poops are explosive and spurting out of his bottom or running down his leg.

In such cases, you will also need to figure out the cause of diarrhea. Now, there can be various causes of diarrhea in babies:

  • Digestive tract infection
  • Allergic reaction to a food
  • Intake of too many fruits or juices
  • Reaction to a medicine

Diarrhea should go away without treatment within a period of 24 hours. However, if it lasts longer than that and is accompanied by fever, then it is advisable to check with your baby's doctor to avoid dehydration in your baby. In the meantime, keep feeding your baby with milk and food and keep a close eye for any signs of dehydration in your baby.

Did your baby also poop every time he ate? How often did your baby have a bowel movement? Do share your experience in the comments section below.


1. Do all Babies Poop During Breastfeeding?

Many babies do. Their bowels are relaxed when their stomachs are full. The digestive system is getting into a routine.

2. Does Breast Milk Cause More Poop Than Formula?

Yes, it does. Breast milk contains natural laxatives to help remove the meconium. This is very common and nothing to worry about.

3. Do Formula Fed Babies Struggle to Poop?

Formula milk can be hard to digest for some babies. Some babies poop freely. It depends on how each baby digests the formula.

4. Can Babies Have Diarrhea Due to Milk?

Yes, to an extent. However, if your baby is pooping too frequently or is very watery, consult your doctor. This could indicate a health issue.


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