Witch Hazel For Hair: Benefits And How To Use It

Witch hazel, scientifically called Hamamelis virginiana, tin exist found in many hair care products. It has many therapeutic and medicinal benefits that boost hair health. Just how advantageous exactly is using witch hazel for hair? It stimulates hair growth, boosts pilus smoothen, and protects pilus strands from impairment. But what does science say? Continue reading to understand the different ways witch hazel can meliorate hair health.

Benefits Of Witch Hazel For Pilus

Witch hazel contains tannins, gallic acid, catechins, proanthocyanidins, flavonoids, essential oils, choline, and saponins. It was used equally a natural astringent and antioxidant to care for acne, psoriasis, and eczema associated with the scalp.

  • Witch hazel possesses anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and astringent properties. It may help treat scalp disorders similar inflammation, irritation, and redness (one). However, it is non recommended for use on a sensitive scalp.
  • It is used as an severe. It not merely cleanses the scalp but also removes excess oils. Its acidic pH may as well assist balance the pH levels of the scalp.
  • Witch hazel contains flavonoids that inhibit enzymes involved in the oxidative process (2). The flavonoids are rich in antioxidants. They protect the pilus color and prevent hair lightening.
  • Anecdotal prove suggests that witch hazel may stimulate hair growth. The plant contains tannins, flavonoids, and cyanidins that improve blood flow (2).
  • Witch hazel can be used equally an anti-dandruff amanuensis (iii). It may also help in the treatment of atopic dermatitis (ii).

Are you wondering how to add witch hazel to your hair intendance regimen? Find out below!

How To Use Witch Hazel For Hair

  1. Apply witch hazel to your scalp with a cotton wool ball or pad. You can likewise utilize a dropper for awarding. Launder with your regular or hydrating shampoo.
  1. Add together witch hazel to your shampoo when washing your pilus to cleanse your scalp thoroughly.
  1. Add witch hazel to natural hair tonics and oils to foreclose hair graying, oxidative damage, and other scalp bug.
  1. Dilute witch hazel in h2o and rinse your hair with it. This may reduce dandruff flakes without leaving the scalp besides dry out. The witch hazel rinse may also balance your scalp pH levels.

Using witch hazel for hair health is simple. However, it may cause sure adverse effects in some.

Adverse Furnishings Of Witch Hazel

  • Though rarely, witch hazel may crusade contact dermatitis (4). Perform a patch test on your forearm or the back of your neck to check for whatever irritation, redness, or inflammation.
  • Alcoholic witch hazel may leave the scalp too dry. Opt for pure and non-alcoholic witch hazel products. Besides, do not mix witch hazel with booze-based products.
  • Overusing witch hazel may dry your scalp out. You can use a mask made of witch hazel and aloe vera to ensure your scalp is hydrated.

Not everyone can use witch hazel. Read on to know more.

Who Shouldn€™t Apply Witch Hazel

Witch hazel is ideal for people with an oily scalp. It is non recommended for individuals with a dry scalp, every bit the plant may dry the scalp way besides much and cause itching, redness, and irritation. If you have extremely sensitive skin, information technology is advisable to avoid witch hazel as its acidic pH may cause irritation.


Witch hazel is primarily used for boosting scalp health, which in turn can ameliorate your pilus condition. Though witch hazel can soothe an inflamed scalp, it may also cause the scalp to go dry. Hence, exercise caution. Perform a patch test before using it. Using it correct tin requite you the benefits y'all have been looking for.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does witch hazel lighten hair?

No, witch hazel does not lighten the hair. In fact, it protects pilus color. Witch hazel contains flavonoids. These have antioxidant properties that may foreclose oxidation


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Anjali specializes in hairstyles and hair and skin care and has written over 200 articles in these domains. Her philosophy... more


Source: https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/witch-hazel-for-hair/

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